Sameiningarstefnuskrį Raušs vettvangs, ķ lķtiš eitt uppfęršri mynd, hefur veriš žżdd į ensku. Enska žżšingin fer hér į eftir:
Manifesto for a United Front of Iceland 2010
1. Reestablish sovereignty
Iceland should not join the EU, but should instead continue to exchange goods and services, as a nation, with those who want to deal with us in mutual fairness.
Iceland should reject all loans from the International Monetary Fund, along with the ultimatums and repression that come with them.
Iceland should withdraw from NATO and work for international peace.
The Icelandic state should not be made to bear sole responsibility for the Icesave debts. Instead Iceland should seek to negotiate with foreign stakeholders about a just settlement, based on what the Icelandic people can be expected to shoulder without endangering the infrastructure of the country or sovereignty over natural resources.
2. Common ownership of all natural resources
Any exploitation of the resources owned by the Icelandic people must be governed by strict laws and regulations. The legislature must ensure that national resources be preserved and that all profits go towards the common good. The right to exploitation must neither be mortgaged, subcontracted nor in other ways abused for private profit. Exploitation rights must be retractable at a short notice if they are abused.
3. The capitalists must pay for their own crisis
The Icelandic government must stop following the policy of privatizing profit and socializing losses.
The Courts must speed up the legal proceedings stemming from the collapse of the banking system. The ill gotten gains of the capitalists must be confiscated. Foreclosures of homes must be prevented and a just way found to make up the damage caused by the housing bubble, by correcting mutated, index-regulated loans.
The root causes of the current crisis must be addressed by increasing the role of the mutual and public sectors. Thus equality in society would increase and the continued fuelling of the economy by injustice prevented.
4. Socialize the infrastructure of society
By socialization we dont only mean state or other social forms of ownership, but the goal of the economy should be other and wider than simple private, monetary profit. The interest of the public and of society in general should be the main goal, and the enterprise in question should be democratically controlled. Equality and sustainability must always be kept in mind.
By infrastructure we mean:
Health care
Pension funds
Management of natural resources
5. Increased democracy
The public must have greater opportunities for political and economic influence through free associations, political parties as well as in the workplace. Public administration must be transparent and everything, except matters regarding national security, must be open and accessible to the public.
Votes should be equalled out by making the country a single constituency with proportional representation.
15% of the electorate should be able to call for a national referendum. Also, a third of the elected members of parliament should be able to demand a national referendum. National referendums should be binding.
A constitutional assembly should be gathered to draft a new constitution that would ensure the democratic rights of the citizens more securely than the current constitution.
2010 Red Forum, Iceland
Flokkur: Stjórnmįl og samfélag | 29.6.2010 | 11:43 | Facebook
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